As your local hub for books and community, Elizabeth's Bookshop & Writing Centre has established regular opportunities for readers looking to make new friends.
BIPOC Reader Meetups are from 12-2PM the second Saturday of every month. From 12-1PM, bring a book and READ. Carving out designated time to read each week is an act of self-care! You deserve it!
Then, from 1-2PM, enjoy unstructured social time with other readers. Find out what others are reading or recommend your favorite books to them. It's also a great time to meet people in your community looking for friends.
If you are new to the group, we welcome you! If we’re not gathered in the cafe when you arrive, you can find us in the small community room in the back. In addition to enjoying time with a safe, inclusive community, just mention that you’re part of the meetup and you’ll receive 10% off any drink at 647 Coffee.